
IPL Photo Rejuvenation

What is IPL Photo Rejuvenation?

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photo Rejuvenation is a treatment using light energy in the form of pulses of intense light to treat irregular pigmentation, fine wrinkles, and broken capillaries on the face.  The neck, chest, back, arms and hands can also be treated.


How does IPL work?

The IPL machine delivers a flash of light with maximum energy penetrating the area to be treated.  A cooling device simultaneously cools the skin to make the treatment more comfortable.


How does IPL Photo Rejuvenation work?

Originally used for hair removal, the facial rejuvenating effects of IPL were noted when patients having hair removed discovered wrinkles, pigmentation and blood vessels in this area were diminishing as well.


Collagen is the elastic component of the skin that reduces with age and sun damage.  IPL Photo Rejuvenation stimulates new collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, through heat stimulation, therefore smoothing fine wrinkles and resulting in a clearer complexion.  


IPL Photo Rejuvenation also reduces irregular pigmentation, sun spots & superficial blood vessels.

IPL pigmentation back

The overall effect of repeated IPL treatments is called photo-rejuvenation since it reverses or reduces many of the effects of sun damage & ageing.


What other conditions does IPL treat?

IPL is also widely used for permanent hair reduction, offering a faster and safer alternative to lasers.


Acne scarring and rosacea are specific medical conditions that also respond well to IPL.


What are the advantages compared with laser treatments ?

There is no down time after a treatment and make-up can be applied the same day.  There is usually no recovery time needed, and no anaesthetic is required.


How many treatments are required?

Generally 3 to 6 treatments at 3-4 week intervals are recommended for optimal results.  Each treatment lasts about 30 minutes.

Treatments are often combined with daily application of medical skin care products and a course of microdermabrasion and peels depending on your skin type. 


Are there any restrictions on treatments?

IPL cannot be performed during pregnancy, nor can it be done on recently sun-tanned or over sun-exposed skin.  After treatment, you will need to avoid sun exposure & use sun-blocking agents for several months.


To find out if you are suitable for this treatment, or for more information, call us now on 1300 33 87 11, or book in for a consultation.


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